
Business Law April 2025

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Assignment Solution: Business Law April 2025

NMIM$ Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Business Law April 2025

Internal Assignment Applicable for April 2025 Examination

Q1. Intellectual Property Rights are an important asset for an organization. In today’s competitive business environment there is a need to protect and enforce Intellectual Property Rights. Please highlight the nature and types of Intellectual Property Rights and give one real life example on how businesses can achieve competitive advantage through Intellectual Property Rights?     (10 Marks)


Q2. Environment Protection is a key objective linked to business goals and it impacts organizations, if they violate laws governing environment protection. Authorities like National Green Tribunal have come down heavily on organizations that violate such laws. List down two (2) judgments/orders where the National Green Tribunal has passed orders/directions to ensure protection of environment, and which has adversely impacted businesses.          (10 Marks)

Q3. Healthcom is an Indian health tech company that has products which deploy cardiology monitoring technology in India. Healthcom’s products are always approved by the DCGI (Drug Controller General of India) and only then they are launched in India.

Healthcom has received a request from a Public Information Officer of the DCGI’s office to disclose all technical details and commercial information of the patented technology that it uses in its products. This request is based on a RTI application which the Public Information Officer has received from a consumer in India.

In light of the above facts, can you advise Healthcom on:

  1. A) Whether Healthcom is required to disclose such information under Right to Information Act, 2005? Can it deny the disclosing of such information especially if it is requested under Right to Information Act, 2005? (5 Marks)
  1. B) List of exemptions from disclosure of information under Right to Information Act, 2005 and the relevant legal provisions. (5 Marks)
  2. Exemptions from Disclosure under the RTI Act, 2005


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